OptiExpert™ privacy policy

Legal disclaimer

OptiExpert™ is an educational, reference and information tool for eye care professionals. Eye care professionals may choose to use the app in connection with their own patient evaluation but it is not intended to be relied upon for clinical decision-making. OptiExpert™ is not intended as and does not constitute medical or optometric advice nor is it intended to replace the patient evaluation performed by an eye care professional. 

If you store any patient or other personal data on the app you are fully responsible for ensuring the use and security of the data is sufficient to meet all applicable data protection and/or privacy laws. As the person responsible for processing the data you should review the security features on this app and ensure it is adequate for processing personal data including any patient data. You can change the password on the app as an additional security measure should you wish."
If you store any patient or other personal data on the app you are fully responsible for ensuring the use and security of the data is sufficient to meet all applicable data protection and/or privacy laws. As the person responsible for processing the data you should review the security features on this app and ensure it is adequate for processing personal data including any patient data. You can change the password on the app as an additional security measure should you wish.

Privacy policy

OptiExpert™ uses Google Analytics which anonymously collects data about how you engage with the app. The analytics data provides CooperVision with insights about how OptiExpert™ is used, helping us to deliver a continuously improving user experience. By using OptiExpert™ you imply consent. User data (e.g. patient records) stored in OptiExpert™ is not collected or shared.
