Myopie research/

Artikelen van derden
Myopia Control Studies
What is Important and Why? Part 1
Myopia Control Studies
What is Important and Why? Part 2
The Concern about Myopia Prevalence and Progression
Safety of Contact lenses in children
Myopia Management – Time to stop talking and start doing
Train the trainer
Safety of contact lenses in children
Aanvullende gepubliceerde artikelen van derden
Atropine - Efficacy and possible mechanisms
Dr. Safal Khanal and Dr. Philip Turnbull
Managing myopia control clinics in ANZ Universities
Dr. Pauline Kang and Kathleen Watt
Myopia A 21st Century Public Health Issue
Professor Padmaja Sankaridurg and Dr. Monica Jong
Myopia and the Visual Environment
Associate Professor Scott Read
Myopia Control with soft contact lenses
Dr. Nicola Anstice, Dr. Philip Turnbull, Dr. Andrew Collins and Dr. John Phillips
Taking action
The Business of Managing Myopia
Dr. Monica Jong, Professor Padmaja Sankaridurg & Dr. Kah Ooi Tan
The Latest on Myopia- 16th International Myopia Conference
The Myopic Retina
Dr. Abhishek Sharma and Dr. Christolyn Raj
To correct or under-correct