Ons doel is eenvoudig: elke dag beter doen. In het kader van ons streven naar plasticneutraliteit zouden wij nergens zijn zonder de mensen die dit mogelijk maken. Dankzij onze professionals in de oogzorg, onze samenwerking met Plastic Bank en de contactlensdragers van CooperVision, hebben we geholpen te voorkomen dat het equivalent van 100 miljoen plastic flessen in de wereldzeeën terechtkomt. En hoewel het een mijlpaal is die het vieren waard is, is het een stap in onze reis naar een steeds grotere duurzaamheid.

*Plastic Bank uses 1 kg of plastic to equal 50 bottles. plastic-neutral.coopervision.com/plastic-neutrality
†Net plastic neutrality is established by purchasing credits from Plastic Bank. A credit represents the collection and conversion of one kilogram of plastic that may reach or be destined for waterways. CooperVision purchases credits equal to the weight of plastic in participating brand orders in a specified time period. Plastic in participating brand plastic is determined by the weight of plastic in the blister, the lens, and the secondary package, including laminates, adhesives, and auxiliary inputs (e.g., ink).
‡Participating brand orders is defined as orders and includes sphere, 1 day toric, and multifocal product sold & distributed by CooperVision. CVI data on file, 2022 for a complete list of participating
brands by country. Total bottles as derived through Plastic Bank's impact dashboard through as of 12/31/2021. CVI data on file, 2022 for a complete list of participating brands by country.
Anticipated total bottles as derived through Plastic Bank's impact dashboard during 2022 calendar year
§CVI data on file, 2022. Total communities impacted through Plastic Bank's impact dashboard as of 12/31/2022.